Internal Financial Control means policies and procedures adopted by the company to ensure efficient conduct of the business.
Internal Financial Control over Financial Reporting, a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
We provide following services to ensure compliance:
Risk and control matrix identifies the risk an organisation bears and maps them to the controls placed by the organisation on them.
Our service encompasses the following key components:
Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) describe the internal procedures followed within an organisation and roles and responsibilities of each process.
Developing Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) is crucial for ensuring efficiency and compliance in an organisation. We, not only create SOP’s but also review it and update it periodically.
It is a continuous process, and organizations conduct these tests periodically to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of controls. It further addresses any changes in the business environment that may impact the control environment of an organisation.