Transfer pricing services

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Increased number of intercompany transactions has made transfer pricing a leading risk management issue for global businesses.

The litigation, with regard to transfer pricing in India, is humongous. We aim to facilitate companies by providing practical transfer pricing Services & Solutions that are aligned to their global business and objectives and also provide controversy management.

Indian Transfer Pricing Support Advisory

  • Transfer Pricing Advisory services for new transactions/existing transaction including:
    • Intangibles
    • Loans and Guarantees
    • Intra Group services
    • Research and Development activities
    • Restructuring or Reorganization
    • Purchase or sale of marketable securities etc
  • Transfer Pricing Advisory can be related to:
    • Formulation and Implementation of domestic and global transfer pricing policies including pricing (mark up and pricing methodology)
    • Conducting Functional analysis (including Functions, Assets and Risks Analysis)
    • Advance Pricing Agreement
    • Mitigation of Transfer Pricing Risks

International Benchmarking Services

  • International Benchmarking is usually conducted where foreign entity is treated as a tested party for the purpose of computation of arm’s length price.
  • Benchmarking services are carried out with a wide range of global, private, and public comparable company databases so the search for private and public company data to find and identify the similar comparables for international transaction.
  • Through our global alliances we have the capability to provide international benchmarking support for Multinational Companies in the following global databases for foreign tested parties or for benchmarking special transactions
  • RoyaltyStat
  • Amadeus
  • KTMine
  • BvD
  • Thomson Reuters

Managing Transfer Pricing Controversy

  • Assistance in all the stages the entire lifecycle of Advance Pricing Agreement (APA) comprising of pre filing consultation, filing of APA application, site visits, data gathering, negotiation, finalization and administration (filing of annual compliance report).
  • Representation before Transfer Pricing Officer (TPO), Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals), Dispute Resolution Panel (DRP) and Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT).
  • Assistance in Mutual Agreement Procedure (“MAP”)
  • Assistance in application of Safe Harbour Rules

Transfer Pricing Documentation & Compliances

  • Preparation of detailed transfer pricing documentation relating to international and specified domestic transactions as required u/s 92D read with Rule 10D of the Rules
  • Issuance of Accountant’s Report / Transfer Pricing Certification (Form 3CEB) as required u/s 92E read with Rule 10E of the Rules
  • Assistance in Preparation and submission of Master File and Country by Country reports (CBCR) in accordance with OECD’s BEPS Action Plan 13

What is Advance Pricing Agreement (APA)?

The Advance Pricing Agreement is an agreement signed between the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) with the Taxpayer, determining the arm’s length price or specifying the manner in which the arm’s length price is to be determined, in relation to an international transaction. The agreement shall be valid for a period of 5 consecutive previous years. Such agreement shall be binding on the taxpayer and on the Principal Commissioner/Commissioner, and the income-tax authorities subordinate to him, in respect of the said person and the said transaction. There are three types of APAs i.e. Unilateral, Bilateral and Multilateral.

What is Country-by-Country (CbC) reporting?

The Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR) consists of a wide range of international measures framed to combat tax avoidance. The reports are required to include revenues, profits, taxes paid and certain measures of economic activity. This report has to be submitted by parent entity of an international group to the prescribed authority in its country of residence. Under Section 286 of the ITA, CbCR is mandatory for certain MNEs categories.

We build trust and maintaining a long lasting relations!

Our specialist team understands the importance of a long lasting relationships with clients to deliver specific investment solutions.

Long Term Relationships
As artificial intelligence and the internet of things move from concept to reality, all business executives worry about change, but tech companies must cognizant of the forces driving change.
Trust and Confidentiality
As artificial intelligence and the internet of things move from concept to reality, all business executives worry about change, but tech companies must cognizant of the forces driving change.
Comprehensive Understanding
As artificial intelligence and the internet of things move from concept to reality, all business executives worry about change, but tech companies must cognizant of the forces driving change.
Integrity and Expertise
As artificial intelligence and the internet of things move from concept to reality, all business executives worry about change, but tech companies must cognizant of the forces driving change.
Client Centricity
As artificial intelligence and the internet of things move from concept to reality, all business executives worry about change, but tech companies must cognizant of the forces driving change.
As artificial intelligence and the internet of things move from concept to reality, all business executives worry about change, but tech companies must cognizant of the forces driving change.
Helping in make smart financial decisions.

No matter how big you are and in what industries you do business, we can help you work smarter, provide support and help you achieve all your business goals.

Acknowledge client’s needs
Financial planning is the process of taking a comprehensive look at your financial situation and building a specific financial plan to reach your goals including taxes, savings and more.
Provide a long term perspective
Financial planning is the process of taking a comprehensive look at your financial situation and building a specific financial plan to reach your goals including taxes, savings and more.
Discuss opportunities
Financial planning is the process of taking a comprehensive look at your financial situation and building a specific financial plan to reach your goals including taxes, savings and more.

Speak to one of our advisers over the phone or submit your details and we’ll be in touch!

Our specialist team understands the importance of a long lasting relationships with clients to deliver specific investment solutions for a long term success
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